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Welcome to my Twitch Section!

Started Streaming: 18 March 2020

During my 2020 NYC Self-Quarantine, I had this crazy idea to start streaming. Me playing video games? Lazy much? At first, it was going to be a day log of what our quarantine would be like. Eventually, it turned into lots of Sims 4 "My Naruto World", but it has now evolved! More followers and subscribers. More content to share with you all! New emotes. Just an all around good time! 

If you like what you see and want to show some love, please donate to my Ko-Fi! Donations are greatly appreciated and help support my stream but you're not obliged to if you don't have the means.

Twitch Affiliate Milestone: 30 April 2020

Currently, we're on the path to becoming a Twitch Partner! It's a long way from now, but we got this. Let's shoot for the five year mark. BELIEVE IT!

Check out my Discord for more information! You can find anything from my streaming schedule to game suggestions to just plain chit chat with my humble members. 

Follow me at @imiyoung.twitch!
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